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Global Leaders in Media Law Practice

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ALRUD Law Firms focus is on media and advertising. The team advises on all aspects of publishing, broadcasting and filming. Well regarded by peers, the practice is described as a leading choice for media law. Practitioners have in-depth knowledge of the television, radio and internet sectors. The team regularly advises on advertising, regulation, individual rights issues related to film, interviewing and photography.

Gorodissky & Partners has notable experience of advising national and foreign clients on media and advertising in both traditional media: periodic press, TV channels, radio channels and the most popular segments of the media market today: mobile applications, social media, video games and multimedia. Highly regarded professional team led by Sergey Medvedev advises on compliance with legislation on media and advertising, data protection and privacy and protection of their honor and business reputation.


EPAM Law Offices is highly regarded for its defamation dispute resolution. In highlighted work the team acted for a publishing house, part of Gazprom Media Holding, in a landmark defamation dispute which led to a reversal of the Moscow Arbitrazh Court award on appeal.  


Pepeliaev Group is known for its sector-related tax advice and telecommunications specialisation. The team acts for clients on corporate and commercial cases, data protection and copyright.

Established in 2009, Peterka & Partners’ Moscow office is an expansion of the firm’s CEE presence. Lawyers act for clients in a range of advertising cases with aspects of commercial agreements and competition law. The firm’s broader focus areas include sports and entertainment. Lawyers are highlighted for their litigation and copyright experience.


ALRUD Law Firm

Gorodissky & Partners



Alumni Partners

EPAM Law Offices

MGAP Attorneys at Law

Legal Bureau Omega


Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld  

Pepeliaev Group

Mikhailyuk, Sorokolat & Partners

Peterka & Partners



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In Russia, the media sector is regulated by the following:

The principal state authority, which is competent to secure, control and monitor local mass media legal compliance is the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).

There are other state authorities responsible for providing state services and management of state properties in the media sector, such as the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.

Foreign ownership with regards to media services is seriously restricted. Foreign companies cannot hold more than a 20 per cent share in a local media company. Any 100 per cent equity forms of foreign participation or foreign corporate control over the Russian media business are prohibited.

In terms of specific regulated activities, the national media sector is subject to:

Important legal developments in media industry include the adoption of the following laws, regulations and case law concerning the below institutions, as well as aspects requiring the attention of media lawyers:

Written by

Sergey Medvedev

& Nikita Maltsev

Gorodissky & Partners

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