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This was followed up in October with a new Pre-Action Protocol in Defamation Actions.

These changes bring Northern Ireland significantly more into line with the law as it stands in England and Wales following the Defamation Act there in 2013 as well as the pre-action protocol in England & Wales.

However, key differences remain and potential plaintiffs and defendants should be aware of how the law here differs.

      The absence of a functioning Executive in Northern Ireland continues to dominate business headlines.

A recent Northern Ireland Chamber Member survey found that a top concern of businesses operating in Northern Ireland was a lack of functioning Executive - this has had significant impact on business confidence and impacts on the region capitalising on its unique trading and business opportunities.

Last March the Northern Ireland Assembly passed the Defamation Act (Northern Ireland) 2022, which became law on 6 June 2022 following Royal Assent. It significantly updated the law in Northern Ireland, particularly in relation to the operation of various defences to a claim in libel or slander.


Mills Selig is recognised as a leading media law Firm in Northern Ireland - representing newspapers, broadcasters, digital media/tech organisations, publishers and individuals. The firm is retained by many of these clients due to their need to have expert, trusted and knowledgeable local outside Counsel in Northern Ireland. The team provide advice on defamation, privacy/ misuse of private information, data protection, harassment, contempt of court, anonymity and confidential sources. Mills Selig has developed its media law practice to specialise in online defamation and publication in response to the changing media law landscape - demonstrating the firm's innovative, progressive nature and the team's ability to stay ahead of the curve.
